Responding to the Scions of Anti-Semitism ~ poetry by KJ Hannah Greenberg

Alas and a muchness, whether Iran’s ayatollahs, Europe’s Nazis, or stupid heads running
Washington, world rulers remain awfully derelict; they’re compromising Eretz Yisrael.
Yet, Guyana, Comoros, relatively, have “barely frightening” comportment per pallid leaders’
Intelligence (global ophidians generally forget about justice and countenance suffering.)

Transnational kingmakers’ choices won’t forsake hatred. Their penchants cull outmoded,
Misguided notions apropos necessarily hosting “essential understanding” with assembled
Scoundrels. Their pathways reinforce malign remonstrations, fail to track the full amount
Of our heroic deeds, humanitarian service, charity, benefit to even pernickety adversaries.

See, in faraway locales, Shibam, Sanaa, where races are spit upon, kicked, otherwise
Ill-treated, no singling out of opinions surpasses media’s agitation with the Holy Land.
Because reporters lose significant squidgy cordiform pieces, plus crave extra helpings
Of autonomy (to rise in ranks), few between offer fair accounts of the King’s people.

Those guns neither praise nor preserve our ways. Those “reliable” Middle Eastern guides’
Acts feign no foci. They neglect modern charnel houses, charmed beings (as well as louts),
Reframe sordid photographs as vicissitudes, reword cants as referencing “imagined” deeds,
Amend outbursts as make-believe disturbances scaffolded merely by provincial fairytales.

Hatred’s etiology stays sanguine; honest balladeers’ material, aka “unpleasant” verities,
Get skipped by collective outlets, record labels, award ceremonies. Self-promoted demos,
Pronouncements of actualities, all shut down, all swap out for aurum heaps, all are curbed
By rough-edged refuse, by undisguised uttering. Intoning becomes constricted “accuracy.”

Namely, inimical others, entirely possessed of propitious ambitions: ill situate connections
Between self and society, are bereft of moral integuments, speak fully hen-witted, pander
Employers’ mostly euphonious rhetoric, drip dinguses afore authenticating proclamations.
They post without courtesy, never consider that their behavior’s ignoble, despicable, base.

Going forward, looking backward, standing still, we’re best advised to disregard enemies,
Embrace confederates, elsewise demark The Land of Israel as entirely proud, as fiercely
Independent. We mustn’t respond with foo-foo texts or post bald misrepresentations. Our
Rejoinders to antagonistic salvos ought to expiate worldly falsehoods, return men to truth.

KJ Hannah Greenberg has been playing with words for an awfully long time.  She uses them to tilt at social ills and personal evolutions. Her most recent collections of poetry are Beast There—Don’t That (Fomite Press, 2019), The Wife/Mom (Seashell Books, 2019), and Mothers Ought to Utter Only Niceties (Unbound CONTENT, 2017).

Show KJ some love via PayPal at drkarenjoy(at)yahoo(dot)com.