Two Poems ~ poetry by KJ Hannah Greenberg


With a swish, he departed the foyer, a small trail of rhinestones witnessing his farewell
(coordinating the seemingly incommensurate, like making friends, never worried him.)
Most tenders of criticism on his projects fell away, wordlessly (any limits imposed
Were for others’ work, least he neglect the surrounding conditions of his genius’ foci.)

Essential fights aside, the man make happen historical moments, elsewise left no prisoners
(hence, all absquatulating remained unremarkable to press, to peers, to discarded lovers.
Only his cat recognized how the power of his writing was constrained by his prescription
For eye drops, also by the amount of green or black tea he sipped each break of day.)



Bits of mackerel, pearly layers of fish segued with rice, carrot slices, ginger,
Alongside of salmon-topped seaweed, further grains, as well as dark soy sauce.

Those morsels weren’t great culinary delight (the rolls were hard, the mix nearly warm),
But a treat for the heart. While I puzzled over protocols for cancer, you knocked twice.
You reached with wasabi and sesame, with plastic take out, with a friend’s mindfulness.

Kindness is a shy bird, rarely twittering about favorite landings, good seed caches,
Places for plucking nesting materials. Rather, she perches here and there, whistles to
All listeners, urges her fledglings to follow suit, to alight in numerous neighborhoods.
I know, also, that some realms never hear her song, never view her colors. So, thanks.

KJ Hannah Greenberg captures the world in words and images. Her latest photography portfolio is 20/20: KJ Hannah Greenberg Eye on Israel. Her newest poetry collection is Rudiments (Seashell Books, 2020). Her most recent fiction collection is Demurral (Bards & Sages Publishing, 2020).

Show KJ some love via PayPal at drkarenjoy(at)yahoo(dot)com.